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Address a Variety of Issues with Custom Chemical Peels

At Dream Spa Medical, we customize the formulation of each and every chemical peel, specifically tailoring them according to the patient's unique skin qualities and individual cosmetic concerns. By utilizing a customized chemical formulation to remove dead and damaged outer layers of skin, chemical peels can reduce wrinkles and walk back many of the visible signs of aging like brown spots, adult acne, and even skin lesions.

We offer a wide variety of chemical peels, giving you the power to address just about any issue you may be experiencing, so you can face the world both looking and feeling your very best. To learn more, reach out and set up your consultation at our Brookline or Canton offices today.

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Is a Chemical Peel the Right Choice for Me?

Dream Spa Medical remains committed to giving our patients the ability to realize their true potential, no matter what type of cosmetic concerns they may be bringing to us. During your consultation, a member of our team will get to know your aesthetic aspirations and will help you explore our various treatment options, landing on the best route to your ideal outcome.

You’re likely to be a great candidate for one of our customizable chemical peels if you’re interested in addressing issues like:

  • Acne or acne scars
  • Age and liver spots
  • Scars
  • Freckles
  • Irregular skin pigmentation
  • Rough skin and scaly patches
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sun-damaged skin

The Revitalizing Micropeel

This amazingly customizable, three-step peel combines manual exfoliation with skin resurfacing to reveal smoother, more youthful skin to the world. This treatment also stimulates collagen production, for an improvement in both volume and texture while also combatting unwanted pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin texture.

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The CoolPeel® is designed to be as tolerable as it is effective due to its unique cooling properties. This allows us to customize and strengthen the peel, matching it to your individual needs and skincare goals. The CoolPeel procedure treats skin tone, texture, fine lines, and pigmentation.

SkinCeuticals remains one of the most trusted skincare brands around, which is why we rely on their highly customizable facials and peels to create incredible results for our happy patients. Speak to a member of our team about how you can customize your SkinCeutical peel.

Pigment Balancing Peel

This peel is the ideal treatment for combatting unwanted pigmentation, leaving your skin toned and luminous while also diminishing the look of fine lines and wrinkles. Say goodbye to that summer sun damage by adding this peel to your fall skin care treatments.

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Introducing the VI Peel

Originally founded in Miami in 2006 and currently based in Beverly Hills, the Vitality Institute has created the next generation of chemical peels that are virtually painless, require no preparation, and have very little downtime. While many clients see a dramatic improvement in acne, melasma, other pigment issues, and signs of aging after just a single peel, we typically recommend a series of three peels spaced three to four weeks apart for optimal results—especially for more severe skin concerns. During your visit to our Canton or Brookline offices, we’ll set up a treatment schedule that works well alongside your day-to-day routine.

What makes this celebrity favorite peel the "next generation of chemical peels?”

  • VI Peels can be used on all skin types and colors. Whether you have fair skin or dark skin, sensitive skin or rough skin, dry or oily skin, there is a VI Peel perfect for you.
  • VI Peel offers an amazing line of homecare treatments called VI Derm that complements and enhances the treatments throughout the year.
  • VI Peels can be used on the face or on the body.
  • Affordable prices ($250-$350 per peel) for both peels and products mean that you can maintain your new glowing skin year-round.

The Inspiring Story of the VI Peel

Explore the VI Peel with Kelly

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Are you ready to bring your aesthetic empowerment to new heights? We're excited to be offering the Dream Club Membership, enabling you to enjoy special pricing on treatments and products, in addition to a wide variety of seasonal freebies and aesthetic treats that'll truly enhance the way you look and feel.

Your membership cost is a monthly $200 payment, which actually serves as a deposit that can be used towards a treatment of your choice.

You'll also have the option to "stash" this fee, for later use, so you can truly make the most out of your Dream Club Membership. To learn more, reach out and set up your consultation at our Canton or Brookline office today.

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Enjoy Next-Generation Facial Rejuvenation at Dream Spa Medical

When it comes to non-invasive facial rejuvenation, few treatments create impressive results like our chemical peels. We offer a variety of options, enabling you to address your skincare concerns with an impressive level of precision.

We believe that you deserve to look and feel your very best, every single day, and we’re proud to be offering a number of effective chemical peel treatments in order to make this aspiration a reality. When you’re ready to learn more, we’re here to help! Reach out to us at our Canton or Brookline offices, and set up your consultation with a member of the Dream Spa Medical Team today.

Chemical Peels FAQs: 

What skin concerns can chemical peels address?

How many treatments are needed to see results from a chemical peel?

Is there downtime after a chemical peel?

How should I care for my skin after a chemical peel?

What skin concerns can chemical peels address?

Chemical peels can effectively treat a range of skin concerns, including acne, acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, and rough texture.

How many treatments are needed to see results from a chemical peel?

The number of treatments needed depends on the type of chemical peel, the severity of the skin concerns, and the desired results. Some individuals may see noticeable improvements after a single treatment, while others may require a series of treatments spaced several weeks apart.

Is there downtime after a chemical peel?

Downtime varies depending on the depth of the peel and individual skin sensitivity. Superficial peels may cause mild redness, flaking, and peeling that typically resolve within a few days, while deeper peels may result in more significant downtime and require longer recovery periods.

How should I care for my skin after a chemical peel?

It's essential to follow post-procedure care instructions provided by your skincare professional to optimize results and minimize the risk of complications. This may include avoiding sun exposure, applying moisturizer, using gentle skincare products, and avoiding picking or scratching at the treated skin.

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