boston tattoo removal

Most Effective and Affordable Laser Tattoo Removal Services

June 18, 2020

Not all tattoo removal service providers are safe, effective, and affordable. You are highly advised to be very selective when it comes time to remove unwanted tattoos. Here at Dream Spa Medical, we prioritize your safety first. As it pertains to tattoo removal across Boston and Canton, Dream Spa Medical is the first to employ the revolutionary Enlighten Laser for tattoo removal. Combining the state-of-the-art pico technology with the nano-technology in one laser, we are able to treat black ink and color tattoos more safely, effective, and affordable than any other service provider in the area.

This state-of-the-art technology provides dramatic results without the associated pains of other treatment options. We utilize local anesthetic that completely numbs the area of the tattoo removal so there is no pain during the tattoo removal treatment. You are in good hands here at Dream Spa Medical. All of our clinicians are laser certified and have extensive laser experience. Our technicians possess a specialized certification specifically for the Enlighten Laser. All nurses and medical aestheticians at Dream Spa Medical are trained and under the clinical direction of Board Certified, Harvard Trained Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Joseph Russo.

So if you are thinking of getting a tattoo removal treatment, choose a reputable practice and don’t be shy to ask to see qualification certifications. We’re proud to do that. Contact Dream Spa Medical.